JMSR Oncology
Metastasic Location of Breast Carcinoma in the Mandible. Journal of Meical and Surgical Research -JMSR- June 2020; Vol. VII, n 1: 741- 742. Akram Belmehdi, Saliha Chbicheb.
Metastasic Location of Breast Carcinoma in the Mandible. Journal of Meical and Surgical Research -JMSR- June 2020; Vol. VII, n 1: 741- 742. Akram Belmehdi, Saliha Chbicheb.
Dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans of the breast skin simulating mammary carcinoma: A Case Report. Journal of Medical and Surgical Research -JMSR- December 2017; Vol. IV, n 2: 461- 463. K. Serrar, I. El kari, M. Tbouda, Y. Chaoui, O. Azdad, A. Jahid, F. Tijami, H. Hachi
Clinicopathologic Features and Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer in 390 Patients in Fez-Meknes Region- Morocco; Journal of Medical and Surgical Research- Vol. IV, n 1 , June, 2017: 392- 396
Update of The Recommendations for HER2 Status Determination in Breast Cancers : ASCO/CAP 2013 and GEFPICS 2014: Journal of Medical and Surgical Research- JMSR- Vol. III, n 2, December 2016: 265- 266.
Radiation Induced Triple Localization of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of The Esophagus in a Woman Previously Treated for Breast Cancer. Journal of Medical and Surgical Research -JMSR- June 2014; Vol. I, n 1: 19- 21. M. Sayed Naya, A. Benkabbou, H. Hachim, B. Serji, H.O. Elmalki, R. Mohsine, L. Ifrine, A. Belkouchi, A. Souadka
Radiation Induced Triple Localization of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of The Esophagus in a Woman Previously Treated for Breast Cancer. M. Sayed Naya et al. Journal of Medical and Surgical Reseach -JMSR- 2014; I (1): 19- 21.