Medical and Surgical Research Journals Group (MSRJGroup) is a Scientific Organization, working in all fields of Medical Health Sciences and Research.
MSRJGroup is the publisher of “Journal of Medical and Surgical Research” (JMSR).

The Governing Board encourages the widest possible access to scholarly content and all activities of scientific research. MSRJGroup aims to be a platform for publishing peer-reviewed open access journals and a promoter of Scientific Research in Morocco in cooperation with institutional partners.
The Editorial board is launching the JMSR Virtual Collections and is reaching New « Section Editors ».
The first Collection is JMSR Oncology.
Others are in Process!
JMSR Oncology

“JMSR Oncology” is the « Virtual Collection » of « Journal of Medical and Surgical Research » exclusively devoted to Cancerology, bringing all together the articles published in JMSR (clinical cases, literature reviews, original articles, meta-analyzes, etc.) and dealing with a thematic of oncology. It is also accessible from the journal’s website.
JMSR Oncology aims to:
– Offer free access through a National gate for doctors and oncology researchers to oncology articles published by Moroccan authors and others.
– Increase the visibility and impact of theses articles.
– Allow the classification of articles by thematic (CRC, HCC, lung cancer…), authors and geographic repartition.
–Regularly establish publication metrics and general orientation for oncology submissions in Journal of Medical and Surgical Research.
If you’re interested in Joining JMSR Oncology Boarding Staff or being a Section Editor, feel free to contact us in and send your CV with a motivation letter.
Applications from Africa and LMIC countries are highly encouraged.
JMSR & JMSR “Oncology” are partners of Global Campaign HIFA (Health Information for all)