The Medical & Surgical Research Journals Group

Online Submissions:

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Authors Guidelines :

*General Information

All submissions to JMSR must be made electronically via the online submission and peer review system at the following URL: (E-mailed only  submissions will not be accepted).

First-time users must create an Author account, which may be used for submission.

Important note: If you are submitting to JMSR, please check whether you already have an account in the system before trying to create a new one. If you have reviewed or authored for the journal in the past year it is likely that you will have had an account created.

Research articles published in JMSR are freely available online to the entire global research community.

They are available via JMSR website  : and in the global compaign Health Information for All by 2015 (HIFA vision) website 

*Structure of a Manuscript:

Manuscript should be typed double spaced on Microsoft Word. Your manuscript should consist of the following elements:

  • Title page
  • Abstract and subject keywords
  • Text
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Figures with figure legends (if any)
  • Tables (if any)

1. Title of the paper

2. Name of the author(s) with initials and the name and address of the institution where the work was done must be given.

3. Abstracts: The abstract should summarize concisely the content and conclusions of the paper. The abstract should be a single paragraph of not more than 250 words. It should be informative to be used by abstracting periodicals without modification.

4. Keywords: A maximum of six subject keywords  should be listed in alphabetical order, after the abstract for the purpose of indexing.

5. Text: The paper must contain preferably ‘Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.

6. Acknowledgement:including information on grants received, before the references, in a separate section.

7.References:The references should be included in the manuscript’s text between [], and must be in the following order:

            [1]- Tramacere I, La Vecchia C, Negri E. Tobacco smoking and esophageal and gastric cardia adenocarcinoma: a meta-analysis. Epidemiology.May 2011; 22(3):344-349.

            [2]- Alfaconte I, Vichy A. Latest issues in the management of HCC. PublicHealth. February 2017; 15 (5):756-789.

8. Tables:Tables should be prepared using Microsoft Word. They should be numbered sequentially as they appear, i.e. Table I, Table II, etc.

9. Figures:Figures may be included within the body of the manuscript or may be submitted as a separate file. Figures should be numbered sequentially as they appear, i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc…

10. Cover letter:Authors should state that paper has not been previously published and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

12. The articles should be submitted electronically through the on-line manuscript submission system: , but also though e-mail to the editorial office at the following address:,

11. Proofs: When your manuscript is received by the Editor, it is considered to be in its final form. One set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author, to be checked for type setting/editing. No changes in, or additions to, the accepted manuscript will be allowed at this stage. Proof reading is solely the author’s responsibility.

12. All manuscripts must be accompanied with a conflict of interest declaration

13. In case of financial support, the authors should give information about the source of funding of the present study.

*Types of Decisions:

  • Manuscript unsuitable – the subject matter is inappropriate for JMSR the manuscript lacks novelty or is of insufficient general interest. The manuscript is therefore not sent out for peer review.
  • Rejection – the peer review process reveals that the manuscript is not acceptable for publication in Journal of Ecology.
  • Rejectionresubmission invited – the manuscript in its current state is not acceptable for publication, but the referees and editors see the potential of the presented work. Addressing the concerns raised during peer review would alter the manuscript to an extent that makes it unfeasible to predict whether the re-worked paper will reach the desired standard. Authors are therefore invited to make the necessary changes and resubmit their work for further peer review so that the paper’s suitability for publication can be established.
  • Revision – the comments by reviewers and editors indicate that major or minor changes are required before the manuscript can be considered acceptable.
  • Further revision needed – the comments made by the reviewers and editors have been only partly or insufficiently addressed and further ambiguities remain. Authors are asked to address these concerns in their final version.
  • Acceptance subject to editing – the manuscript content is of acceptable standard for publication and only editorial changes are required. At this stage, we ask for an exclusive licence to publish, colour artwork forms and image files of appropriate quality.
  • Final acceptance – after a final editorial check, acceptance is confirmed and the manuscript files along with the obtained forms are sent to the publisher.