The Medical & Surgical Research Journals Group
  • Journal of Medical and Surgical Research allows post-publication discussion of published manuscripts through letters to the editor.
  • Corrections, revision or complete retraction of the article should be immediately proceeded after advising the Editorial board members.
  • In case of post-publication honest errors, -which are unavoidable even with careful screening-, an immediate correction or retraction must be published once the error is detected. The corresponding author should immediately publish a “corrigendum” or “erratum” available to the Journal’s community with the details of corrections reasons. The Editor-in-Chief will replace the affected article with no delay by the corrected version on a numbered page
  • In case of scientific misconduct or data falsification, the authors (corresponding and all cited authors) are definitely unauthorized of publication in Journal of Medical and Surgical Research. In case of previously published papers, they will be all considered for re-evaluation and retraction. 
  • The text of the retraction should clearly explain why the manuscript was retracted and include systematically a reference to the article. Retracted articles will be labelled as retracted.
  • Journal of Medical and Surgical Research is following COPE guidance on retractions and expression of concern; for more details, authors and reviewers can consult the following link: