JMSR Oncology
Biliary Lymphoma Mimicking Cholangiocarcinoma: Case Report. Journal of Medical and Surgical Research -JMSR- June 2017; Vol. IV, n 1: 370- 372. H. Dahmane, MS. Naya, L. Jaiteh, A. Chakiri, HO. Elmalki, M. Chefchaouni, L. Ifrine, A. Belkouchi, A. Benkabbou.
JMSR Oncology
Primary and Bilateral Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Adrenal Gland: -About Two Cases Report- Journal of Medical and Surgical Reseach -JMSR- June 2020; Vol VII, n 1: 744- 747. El Amine Ratbi, Ahmed Jahid, Younes Cherradi, Abdelkader Belkouchi
JMSR Oncology
Metastasic Location of Breast Carcinoma in the Mandible. Journal of Meical and Surgical Research -JMSR- June 2020; Vol. VII, n 1: 741- 742. Akram Belmehdi, Saliha Chbicheb.
JMSR Oncology
Non-operative Management of Benign Colorectal Anastomotic Stenosisin Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery for Non-Metastatic Primary Rectal Cancer; Journal of Medical and Surgical Research -JMSR- Vol. VII, n 1: 792- 797 . Ümit Mercan, Ogün Erşen, Cemil Yüksel, Ömer Yalkin, Serkan Akbulut, Ekrem Ünal, Salim Demirci.
JMSR Parasitoogy
Epidemioclinical and Mycological Patterns of Pityriasis versicolor in the Urban Area in Rabat- Morocco. Journal of Medical and Surgical Research -JMSR- February 2020; Vol. VI, n 3: 702- 704. H.Tligui, S. El Ftouh, W. Oudaina